Privacy & Cookies

EnTune is part of Itility B.V.

Privacy policy

EnTune values privacy. EnTune therefore also processes personal data extremely careful, and we find it important to explain to you how we do this. This privacy statement covers the personal data we process about you when you use our services, or otherwise interact with us.

In this privacy statement we explain what personal data we process, for which purposes, how we process, for how long we retain personal data, with who we share your personal data, and what your rights are regarding the processing of your personal data.

Entune is a brand of Itility. So wherever Entune is mentioned, this refers to Itility B.V. (Flight Forum 3360; 5657 EW Eindhoven) including all its subsidiaries and affiliates (e.g., Itility Services B.V.).

This privacy statement may change if new developments or insights so require. Any updated versions will be communicated to you. This privacy statement was last amended on 14/02/2023.

If you do not agree with this policy, do not access or use the Entune application or interact with any other aspect of our business.

1. What data EnTune processes

EnTune processes your personal data as you provide it to us, use our services, or as other sources (e.g., other users, third party services, or public databases) provide it to us. EnTune may process the following personal data:

  • Your first name and surname,
  • Your birthdate,
  • Your address,
  • Your telephone number,
  • Your email address,
  • Your bank account number,
  • Your household information (such as number of housemates),
  • Your energy and (hot) water consumption information,
  • Your user patterns and preferences,
  • Account and profile information, and
  • Other personal data you provide to us through our app, website, or support channels.


2. Purpose for processing personal data

EnTune only processes personal data that is needed to offer optimal use and experience of the Entune application, to improve our business, to enable you to interact with our business, and to comply with applicable laws and regulations. Depending on the specific functionalities and your situation, EnTune may process your personal data to:

  • Optimize the energy management of the building by controlling components such as the heat pump (room heating/cooling and hot water generation), solar panels, EV chargers, home battery, and other appliances,
  • Compile (anonymous) statistical data and analysis for use internally,
  • Create and manage your account (e.g., for authentication),
  • Deliver recommendations, newsletters, and other information regarding promotions to you,
  • Contact you related to the service (systems or user-to-user communications by email or otherwise),
  • Generate a personal profile about you to make future use of our services more personalized,
  • Increase the efficiency and operation of our services (such as optimizing the user experience, further training of the EnTune model to optimize savings, and improve the ideal balance between comfort and savings),
  • Keep customer and user administration,
  • Monitor and analyze usage, feedback, and trends for research and development,
  • Notify you of updates,
  • Perform other business activities as needed,
  • Protect and improve the safety and security of our services,
  • Provide support,
  • Request feedback and contact you about your use of our services,
  • Resolve disputes and troubleshoot problems,
  • Respond to questions and complaints, and
  • When required, assist regulators, and law enforcement and respond to subpoena.


3. On what grounds does EnTune process?

EnTune will only process your personal data for the abovementioned purposes when:

  • We have your consent,
  • We need it to execute the services,
  • We need to meet a legal obligation under EU or national legislation, or
  • It protects a legitimate interest of Itility.


4. Sharing with third parties

EnTune may share your personal data with third parties. When this happens, EnTune ensures the third party will process your personal data carefully and only to the extent needed for the abovementioned purposes. We explicitly ensure you that we do not sell your personal information to advertisers or other third parties.

The third parties with whom EnTune shares your personal data are:

  • Microsoft Azure (Cloud services),
  • Basecamp (Internal storage),
  • Installers (Installment of EnTune hardware and software),
  • Itility partners (Support in providing EnTune services), and
  • (When legally obligated) Legal, regulatory, and other governmental authorities.


5. Personal data security

EnTune ensures that personal data processed by EnTune is sufficiently secured, in line with the applicable regulatory requirements and directives.

EnTune protects your personal data using adequate technical and organizational security measures to minimize the risk of loss, destruction, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, and amendment of this data. Examples of this include firewalls, performing regular back-ups, data and communication encryption, and physical and administrative data access controls.

If you believe your data is not well-protected, if there are indications of misuse, or if you would like more information about the way data processed by EnTune is protected, please contact EnTune. Our contact information can be found in section 7. Your privacy rights.


6. Personal data retention period

EnTune only retains the personal data it processes for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed or as is required by regulations or law (e.g., the Dutch Public Records Act (Archiefwet)). The specific retention period varies per type of personal data. After this retention period EnTune will either delete or anonymize your personal data.


7. Your privacy rights

The personal data EnTune processes of you are yours. Therefore, you have the following rights:

  • The right to view your personal data (article 15 GDPR),
  • The right to request your personal data to be corrected or deleted (articles 16 and 17 GDPR),
  • The right to restrict processing (article 18 GDPR),
  • The right to data portability (article 20 GDPR), and
  • The right to object to your data being used (article 21 GDPR).

If you want to exercise any of your rights, you can submit a written request. EnTune will process your request within four weeks.

You can send your written requests to:

Itility B.V.
EnTune GDPR request
Flight Forum 3360
5657 EW Eindhoven


8. Transfer of personal data outside the EU

EnTune may transfer, process, and store your personal data outside of the EU, to wherever our third-party service providers operate for the purpose of providing you the services.  Whenever we transfer your information, we take appropriate steps to protect it.

Third parties may be based in other countries that do not have equivalent privacy and data protection laws. When we share your personal data with these third parties outside the EU, we make use of adequacy decisions (‘adequaatheidsbesluiten’), European Commission-approved standard contractual data protection clauses, or other appropriate legal mechanisms to safeguard the transfer. If necessary, additional security measures will be put in place.